Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cultural Conflict and Exchange

           I  recognizes that LAS 201 and World Literature Class share a common theme which is cultural conflict and exchange.
           In LAS 201, I learned about cultural exchange. The material we used for this purpose is   Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) written by Dr. Milton Bennett in which he points out the fundamental attitude of people towards different cultures. His theory is based on six stages of attitudes which include denial, which means there is no reason to know about other cultures; defense, the idea that there is nothing to learn from them; minimization, the idea that people are similar; acceptance, it is interesting to know different cultures; adaptation and integration, which  means people  from different cultures can live and work together.
          In World Literature Class, I also learned about cultural exchange in The Tempest by Shakespeare. A great example for this case is the relationship between Prospero and Caliban. Before Prospero and his daughter came to the Island, Caliban was the inhabitant of the Island. When Prospero came, Caliban showed friendship to Prospero; in return, Prospero taught his language to Caliban. After that, Prospero makes Caliban become his servant. From this point, we can see the result of cultural conflict and exchange. Exchange from relationship of “Friend” to relationship of “Superior and servant.” Because of that, Caliban wants to kill Prospero.
Shakespeare also focuses on discrimination. Prospero treats Caliban in a different way because Caliban is not of the same race as Prospero and Marian. Prospero considers Caliban an “Unhuman shape”
This knowledge makes me think about the history of America. There is a similarity between Prospero and Caliban and the Europeans and Indians. Before Europeans came to America, the Indians were there.  But when Europeans came, they took over the Indians’ land, language, and culture.
Besides that, the relationship between Prospero and Caliban also represents the relationship between white people and black people. The Whites treat Blacks in a different way because of their color of skin.
In conclusion, cultural conflict and exchange is the theme that both LAS 201 and World Literature want to deliver to students in different ways. Cultural conflict and exchange take place in world history. On one side, cultural conflict and exchange can bring benefit to people such as civilization, one the other side, it can bring conflict and destroy cultures.  

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